Using nuget to install packages

This guide will talk you through getting libraries added in visual studio, the graphical way

Opening NuGet

Nuget is a package manager for C# libraries built into visual studio. You can find it under project  Manage NuGet Packages…​

Select the menu option

nuget window

Search Tab

A new tab will open in the same part of the IDE that usually contains your code. It will have a search box that will let you search for the dependency you are intested in. In this case, the dependency is skiasharp, but I’m searching for 'skimage'.

Search for a library using the search feature

nuget search

Select the librar you wish to add

A list of matching libraries will be displayed, select the one you want to add by clicking on it. In this case, I’m selecting SkiaSharp.

Select the library from the list

skia sharp

Accept the licence agreement

If the package requires you to agree to a licence, you will be prompted to accept it. SkiaSharp is MIT licenced, so we need to accept this licence. You can click on view licence to see the licence terms you are agreeing to.

Accept licence terms for the library

licence accept

Add to the solution

You will need to confirm that you want to add the dependencies to the solution. In thie case, my solution is called ImageAltering and the skiasharp libraries are the ones which will be added.

Accept changes to the module

add solution

You should then be able to use the library in your code.

Last updated 0001-01-01

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